YES, Vancouver's new political party, makes us want to buy something custom-made or artisanArticle published by weekly Vancouver-based Spanish newspaper Contacto Directo
Translated Summary: "NPA Councillor Hector "the deserter" Bremner and his new political party, Yes Vancouver, are a dapper group. Bremner's elegant style, his thick dark glasses and his sense of mixologist fashion have been on our radar for some time. But the latest promotional video of his party takes it to the next level. There are big three-dimensional cardboard letters on exhibition at one of the most optimistic rallies that we have seen, which almost seems like a Wes Anderson movie about a precocious boy who ran for class president. And who can forget such inspirational declarations such as: "We need to restore something in this city that has been stolen from us." But don't get us wrong. It's one of the best promotions we have seen from a Vancouver political party since COPE left some wind chimes around the corner...or maybe we were hallucinating while we were on ayahuasca [psychedelic brew]. It does make us want to buy a bow-tie, take ukulele classes and talk about caramel, red apples and the flavours of the single origin coffee that we are drinking." (17/08/2018) The upcoming municipal elections in Vancouver are being closely watched by Canada's ethnic media who are paying attention to the political campaigns in the run-up to October 20. The style and promotional video of the new municipal party, Yes Vancouver, has caught the eye of Vancouver's Latino community. MIREMS consultants are reading, watching and listening to ethnic media in over 25 languages to bring the voices of these communities to decision makers.
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