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Ethnic Media Insights 2025 |
Ethnic Media Insights 2025 |
Wishing a Healthy and Hopeful New Year to All! The pandemic has made it clear that access to clear, accurate information is vital to keeping everyone safe. In addition to our complimentary translated summaries of coverage from a selection of ethnic media outlets across Canada, we would like to share with you an article written by Andres Machalski, president of MIREMS Ltd. Published in New Canadian Media, the article discusses the essential role of the ethnic media, which are invaluable in communicating crucial messaging to their diverse audiences during the pandemic, and how the industry has been affected. Link to: "Role of Ethnic Media in the War against Pandemic" Have a comment or question? Send us an email at [email protected] . Thanks! MIREMS CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS TEAM Read on for more detail!
International Travel Ontario finance minister on vacation in the Caribbean Part 1- Spanish Description: Eric Sifuentes, Silvia Alvarez - In Ontario over recent months perhaps you have seen on TV Premier Doug Ford, the Health Minister and another couple people appearing day after day saying to stay at home, maintain physical distance from each other, don't visit family, etc. There is now a tremendous scandal in the province because Finance Minister Rod Phillips, who has often shared the microphone with Ford during press conferences, which they have stopped doing at 1pm from Queen's Park, went on vacation to St. Lucia. It's his third week of vacation and it's a scandal because this occurred before the big lockdown. This happened as they told small businesses that for the good of everyone they can't open. This was a difficult decision but apparently not that difficult for the minister who went on his trip and didn't wait for another better time in the future. And magically, now that the media realized his finance minister can't be found anywhere in the province, Premier Ford then said he is very disappointed and expects the minister to return home soon. We all have the right to go on vacation when we feel like it, but during a pandemic when you're in charge of the most important portfolio (finance) after the premier's, you have to stay at home and be part of the team. You can't tell people to stay home and not to do Christmas and then you go on a trip. Rod Philips, Ontario Minister of Finance, this is a lack of respect and a blow to the people. Someone who is supposed to set an example and then does the opposite is very poorly seen. Premier Ford is either a fool, plays the fool or thinks that we are fools. Perhaps it's a combination of all three. Ford came come out and said he is very disappointed in Rod Phillips, but how could Ford not realize where the minister was the past couple weeks. Rod Phillips actually recorded his Christmas greeting from his house a few weeks prior. RADIO - CHIN 91.9 FM Spanish - Toronto, 30/12/2020 - TALK SHOW, Spanish Ontario finance minister on vacation in the Caribbean Part 2 - Spanish Description: Eric Sifuentes, Luisa Moncada - While you've been stuck at home and businesses are closing, a new scandal has captured headlines across Canada's media outlets: the rather unwise vacation taken by Ontario's finance minister. He made a mistake and left a prerecorded Christmas message, trying to camouflage the situation and pretend he never went. Premier Ford knew about this and so his reaction is hypocritical and takes us for fools because now Ford is telling the minister to come back as soon as possible. Ford is only disappointed now that the media found out about it. Ford has been having virtual meetings so he would be able to see the magnificent sun in Rod Phillips' background and ask where he is, because it's definitely not in Ontario. This again proves that Ford is a liar. He should have just asked Rod Phillips to return rather than showing this false indignation because people had already been asked to stay home and close businesses. People don't deserve this additional blow. This is a reminder of the important role that media outlets play in a democracy. In addition to being hypocritical, Ford is clumsy. How could he think that people wouldn't realize? Apparently, this isn't the first time the minister has travelled, as CTV News revealed he went to Switzerland in August. If Phillips does whatever he wants, why should we pay attention to Ford? RADIO - CHIN 91.9 FM Spanish - Toronto, 31/12/2020 - TALK SHOW, Spanish Politicians… Fact or Fiction: Turns out we are not all in this together - Portuguese Description: Vincent Black - If you had not heard this past weekend that our provincial Finance Minister, Rod Phillips, was asked by Premier Doug Ford to return from St. Barts in the Caribbean where he was shacked up with his wife and God knows whoever else vacationing with him over the Christmas holidays. Premier Doug Ford is also very responsible for this and should wear much of this scandal, because he knew 14 days ago that his Minister was out of the country and should have fired him at that time. Ford not reacting on this move showed many of us that there are two sets of rules… one for them and another for us. If the media had not picked up on this, Ford was just hoping that it would go away and thankful it came to the top and rightfully acknowledged. Unfortunately, Ford seems to be a weak leader with no loyalty from his ministers and no accountability. A total slap in the face to Ford and his leadership. The biggest fake was when Phillips posted video of himself at his home portraying that he was at home drinking egg knock and staying home as they have all recommended to us during the holidays. Instead, Phillips was enjoying a Caribbean vacation at the time on the French island of St. Barts. This scandal was the tipping point for this government, and it made us all look down on our leaders. We always had many doubts about our leaders, but this fraud took this to the next level where these politicians feel that they have an entitlement and will never get caught. These totals caught lies by Phillips and to a large extent with Ford, they need to be kicked out of office. A bold statement, but these shenanigans in the midst of a pandemic where people are dying and businesses are closing is totally unacceptable. PRINT - Milenio Stadium - Toronto, 08/01/2021 - COLUMN, p. 17, English List of political leaders who travelled abroad ignoring travel restrictions – Hindi Description: Many federal and provincial leaders are reported to have travelled abroad during the December holidays, ignoring travel restrictions announced by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic. A list of their names has been made public and they have been given show cause notices. These leaders have set a bad example by undertaking non-essential travel during a pandemic. Some of them have already resigned from their parliamentary positions. PRINT – Hindi Abroad – Mississauga, 08/01/2021 – p. 6, Hindi Politicians' travel and children's online education - Caribbean Description: Mark Strong - COVID-19 numbers in Ontario were under 3,000, but had been over 3,000 over the weekend. Mayor John Tory said numbers would likely have gotten higher without the lock-down and referenced all the visiting people did over Christmas and New Year to say that we are not out of the woods yet. The host said it has been the pattern for people to bend the rules, even for the politicians. He said with some bitterness that politicians don't just bend the rules to visit family, they leave the country. MP Kamal Khera stepped down from her role as parliamentary secretary to the minister of international development after travelling to Seattle to attend a small memorial service for her uncle and father. Khera had tested positive for COVID-19 back in March. MP Sameer Zuberi stepped down from his committee roles after travelling to Delaware to be with his wife's ill grandfather. Rod Phillips "jetted off to a sunny Caribbean vacation" on December 13. He is now in quarantine, and he resigned as the Province's finance minister hours after he returned from his trip. The host went on to list all the federal and provincial politicians who were caught travelling over the holidays. Meanwhile, children in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec were staying home from school for online learning. A mother said she was not going to get to work as much, which means her income would be lower. Another woman said this relies on parents to be there to support their kid being able to engage that way [online]. Another woman said with the new variant of COVID, and with people getting together for New Year's as well, two weeks off would have been safer. The host agreed but said that won't happen, for now, although it could get extended. RADIO - G 98.7 FM Mark & Jem in the Morning - Toronto, 04/01/2021 - FEATURE, English This is Canada’s “essential travel” requirement? - Chinese Description: No Byline - Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam said this week that in the early stage of the outbreak, Canada took five months to bring the number of confirmed cases to 500,000. However, since December, there have been 100,000 new cases in just two weeks, an increase compared to the initial period of the pandemic. Tam also predicted that Canada would enter a very difficult time in the next few months. Unless the transmission can be cut off, new cases will accumulate at an unprecedented rate. On the other hand, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also changed his usual gentle image to a firmer image, saying he is very disappointed with some Canadians for engaging in non-essential travel. But Canada's definition of "essential travel" has been very vague. What is deemed essential? Just recently, the federal government finally gave a definite answer. According to Global Affairs Canada, travel decisions are entirely personal responsibility. WEB - Van People (Daily7) - Vancouver, 09/01/2021 - ARTICLE, 1 page web, 2nd, Chinese Health Avinashi shared his experience of getting a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine - Punjabi Description: Zee TV discussed the COVID-19 vaccines with South Asia Health Institute Physician Dr. Arun Garg and long-term care physician Dr. Ramesh Avinashi, who has been vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. Dr. Avinashi said the vaccine is new and he was one of the first to be vaccinated because he works with nursing home patients. He said the vaccination is like a mosquito bite. He had no side effects. The anchor said Canada has received the first shipment of the Moderna vaccine and asked who would get it first. Dr. Garg said the government has a specific protocol based on a risk assessment. Front-line workers in long-term care and critical care are first. Older individuals and other health care workers are next, and then the general public. The list is available online. The anchor asked about other side effects. Avinashi said any medicine can have side effects. Both vaccines contain polyethylene glycol (PEG), which can cause allergic reactions. People have to wait 15-20 minutes on the premises after the vaccine, in case of an allergic reaction. The anchor asked how long the immunity will last. Dr. Avinashi said this is unknown, though they are hoping for six months to a year at least. The anchor asked about people who miss the second dose of the vaccine. Dr. Garg said to be 95% effective, two doses at least two weeks apart are needed. However, even just the first vaccination gives pretty good immunity. It takes about two to four weeks for the body to activate the immunity. TV - Zee TV Canada - BC Round Up - Vancouver, 03/01/2021 - FEATURE, Punjabi New study shows cultural safety differences affect perception of palliative care in South Asian populations - South Asian English Description: No byline - A recent study from McMaster and William Osler Health System (Osler) examined awareness of palliative care in the South Asian community and found that culture plays a critical role in the perception of palliative care. This perception, in turn, affects whether or not patients will be open to receiving it. Funded by a McMaster University, Department of Family Medicine, Pilot Research Project Funding Grant, the observational study is one of the few person-centered palliative care studies focused on the South Asian community outside India. The research also indicates that immigrants of South Asian origin are at a higher risk of aggressive end-of-life care that is often contrary to their wishes. There is a strong likelihood that perceptions of palliative care within the South Asian populations are contributing to this. The study was conducted out of Brampton Civic Hospital, where the surrounding community per capita population of South Asian immigrants and people of South Asian descent is seventy per cent. PRINT - MidWeek - Mississauga, 05/01/2021 - NEWS, English Immigration Families selected in the lottery can sponsor their parents to immigrate to Canada - Chinese Description: Fang Hua - The Canadian immigration department's Parent and Grandparent immigration lottery has concluded, and the immigration department has started to send out invitations to the selected families. Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino believes the lottery method, despite having flaws, is the most equitable way of administering the program until a better method can be found. Critics of the lottery system have pointed out a number of ways to improve the program, for example by including the length of time the applicant has lived in Canada, how many years they've applied, the financial situation of the parents and grandparents who are being sponsored to come to Canada, humanitarian factors, among others. Internet user 'Jack T' thinks that now that China is wealthy, many seniors don't want to come to Canada anymore, because it's like sitting in jail. This person thinks that Canada is no longer a haven for seniors, especially after the novel coronavirus pandemic. Internet user 'HDPlayer' wrote: "None of these sponsored immigrants don't end up getting Canadian benefits, and this is a loophole that should be filled. Otherwise, it would just be a temporary relief to address the aging population through immigration, because every time a young person moves here, two older people will come along. Sometimes young couples even bring over four seniors. How could they give birth to four children? There would only be more and more seniors." WEB - 51.ca - Toronto, 07/01/2021 - COMMENTARY, Chinese
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